We’ve been in a situation where we want to explode on the inside, where our adrenaline starts pumping and our blood vessels begin dilating. One of these disturbing situations is the first few weeks as a freshman.

Trust me; there are a lot of sticky tales behind being a newbie.

 Let’s do this, now visualize;

  • Your phone rings in a class
  • Your laptop randomly plays music while you’re at the library
  • Your tray drops at the cafeteria
  • You get dissed by your crush in public
  • You miss your step going up the stairs

Now Stop! They’re just imaginations. 

As embarrassing as they may seem, they do occur. I’ll write my experiences in series because I’ve been embarrassed a lot of times; so, let’s begin.     

The fire alarm shock

I was at the library when a call came in. It was my mom.

Only if I had known what the outcome would be, I wouldn’t have picked up the call.

We know Mothers with their long talks.

MOM: How are you doing today?

ME: I’m good ma.

MOM: You know the business I told you, the last time we spoke…

Me: Yes. What happened?

(While listening to what she was saying, I walked through the hallway in the library. By the way, I’m a touchy person)

Mom: can you imagine those distributors ran away with their buyers’ money.

(I was too engrossed in what she was saying and in no time, I found my hands on the fire alarm)

I raised a false alarm.

Without thinking, I cut the call (I could always explain to my mom later. The people in the library mattered first)

*NOTE* All this happened in a short period of time

Everyone began to panic, people tripped on each other, and in a second, a large crowd was before me.  I tried so hard to ignore that I was the one who touched the alarm.

A part of me told me to run, and another told me to admit that it was my fault; so, I opened up to the lady on duty.

Luckily, she was nice.

Now, what made me embarrassed; she asked if I knew the difference between “the fire alarm” and the “press-to-open door, in the presence of everyone.”


(I wouldn’t have felt awkward if it were one or two people present.)

She then told everyone to go back to whatever they were doing that “it was a mistake.” “A very foolish one,” I completed her sentence.

As they returned to their seats, I sensed rage.

Well, who wouldn’t be angry?

I’ll drop the second story soon; but, before then I want you to

Thank you!! I hope you enjoyed my first story.


  1. Lol this is amazing n btw I’m happy it’s here and I’m feeling fly cos we shared it before❤️😊


  2. Wow… Awesome write up and that was a pretty embarrassing moment to experience… The sky is only the starting point for you… 😊✨


  3. I probably will have something to say when I get into college.. 😁

    But Funny story 😂
    I can just imagine your face 😂😂😂


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